Community leaders gathered outside the Town Hall yesterday to highlight their commitment to ensuring Luton is no place for hate.
To mark the United Nation’s International Day for Countering Hate Speech 18 June, representatives of communities that are too often subjected to hate speech met to demonstrate their unity to combat prejudice and hatred wherever it exists.
The United Nation’s strategy includes a plan of action aimed at addressing the root causes and drivers of hate speech and devise effective responses to it.
It describes hate speech as: ‘any kind of communication in speech, writing or behaviour that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are.’
Professor Zafar Khan, Chair of Luton Council of Faiths, said: “We are committed to encouraging and promoting tolerance, respect and mutual understanding among people of all faiths and cultures, both in Luton and beyond.
“To banish hate speech from Luton, it is vital to build solidarity, trust and confidence across our community, as it is only by working together that we will achieve our goals.”
Noelette Hanley, Luton Irish Forum, said: “It was important that I attended yesterday to lend my support to countering hate speech in Luton. The Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities face prejudice every day and it is important we amplify their voices to call out those responsible.”
Rosie Besnu, co-chair of Pride in Luton, said: “As a town full of beautiful people from different walks of life, diverse communities, we still face challenges of hate speech and hate crime, which only makes us want to be stronger for those who don’t have a voice, invite those who don’t have a town to call home to call Luton home, a community they can call family. Why have a tainted heart, when it can be a colourful, glitter-filled heart, full of love.”
Adam Divney, the council’s service director for citizen engagement and legal services, said: “We are committed to working with all our community leaders, organisers and residents to stamp out hate speech wherever to rears its ugly head, and yesterday was an important symbolic gathering outside the Town Hall to make clear that Luton is and increasingly will be no place for hate.
“We all have to set boundaries to stop hate speech causing so much hurt to our communities and damage to our democracy that it drowns out the vast majority of caring and genuine voices.
“Going forward, we will be working with all our community safety partners to build a campaign to ensure we shift the dial on this critical issue for our town.”
Further information on this day, can be found here: International Day for Countering Hate Speech | United Nations