Plans revealed for new special school in Luton

A 3D model of the school
A 3D model of the school

Plans have been announced to build a first-of-its-kind in Luton specialist school to support pupils aged 9-16 years with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) special needs to help meet growing demand.

The new school will be located on a disused part of playing fields at the back of William Austin Junior and Infant Schools featuring a sports hall, 5 a side pitch and multi-use games area. The school will be built in two phases, with the first phase accommodating 60 pupils in autumn 2027 and the second phase increasing the total capacity to 112. Access to the school site will be between 160 and 162 Bishopscote Road.

SEMH needs are a type of special educational need where children and young people can face significant challenges in regulating their emotions and behaviour. They may also struggle to engage with learning and cope in classrooms without additional strategies and interventions.

In the past five years there has been a 100 per cent increase in Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) for pupils with SEMH special needs in Luton. Currently pupils requiring specialist provision for (SEMH) special educational needs often have to attend a school outside of the town. Luton Council’s projections indicate a continuing growth in demand demonstrating that a dedicated school in the town is now required.

Having a purpose-built specialist SEMH school in Luton will:

• reduce travel times for pupils travelling to specialist schools out of the borough

• ensure the needs of those pupils with highly complex needs can be met in a specialist education environment

• reduce spend on high-cost specialist placements at schools and independent settings outside of the town

The council will be sharing its plans and ideas for the school at two public consultation events on Saturday 8 February, 9am to 11am and Thursday 13 February, 4.30pm to 7pm at William Austin Junior School, Austin Road, LU3 1UA and would like to hear views before finalising and submitting a planning application before Easter 2025.

Councillor Javeria Hussain, Portfolio Holder with responsibility for education, said: “As part of our ambition for Luton to become a child friendly town we are committed to providing high quality education for all children and ensure that we meet the full range of their needs, including specialist provision in the town for children with social, emotional and mental health needs.

“This new special school will create an educational setting where children will be given the right support and every opportunity to thrive in an environment where their wellbeing is prioritised.

“Everyone is invited to our public consultation events where our project team will be on hand to discuss the proposals and to answer any questions you may have.”

People can also share their view by completing a very short form at the consultation events or completing it online.

The deadline for feedback is 28 February 2025.