Residents and Luton rail users are being urged to get behind a petition calling on the government to work with Network Rail to commit to a full redevelopment of Luton station following a motion passed by all parties at a Luton Council meeting on March 18.
The proposed full redevelopment was initially announced by Department for Transport (DfT) in 2016 with Luton Council making a £175k contribution. In 2017, DfT decided not to proceed with the masterplan, coming back in 2019 with a proposal for a new bridge, entrance hall and ticket office. This was once again scaled back in 2021 to just a new bridge and lifts and it now taken them over three years to progress to this stage.
The planned installation of a new bridge and lifts at the station is now due to begin in December 2025 following further delays after what has been two decades of campaigning and lobbying. However, the motion stated that this is still not enough and this bare minimum will only bring the station into line with its legal requirements for disabled access. It called for desperately needed wider redevelopment of the station which rail users and Lutonians deserve.
Councillor James Taylor, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Inclusive Growth said: “It’s a complete travesty that there are hundreds of millions of pounds worth of investment coming into the town as part of town centre regeneration.
“We will have the nearby Stage development and Power Court and yet our railway station is in such a decrepit state. It’s an embarrassment because this is the first impression rail users get when visiting the town. We demand better.
“We support the government’s plan to create Great British Railways to deliver the rail services and infrastructure that passengers need. So, we are calling on them to work with Network Rail for serious investment so we can meet the needs of the almost four million passengers that use this station every year.
“We are galvanising support and urge people to sign the petition so we can tell Network Rail and the government how badly a full station redevelopment is needed. Not just to make the station fit for all users but out of a sense of pride – we need to make it clear that we are worthy of investment”.
A Luton Train Stations Delivery Group will also be formed with interested stakeholders and Network Rail to formulate plans for a full redevelopment of Luton Station and step free access for Leagrave station which will report progress to full council every 6 months.
People can sign the Demanding a full Luton Station redevelopment and Step Free Access for Leagrave Station petition at change.org and join the Luton Station Action Group Facebook group.
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